Managing Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping issue that, if left untreated, can lead to major health problems such as high blood pressure and heart problems. Untreated sleep apnea causes breathing to stop regularly throughout sleep, resulting in loud snoring and fatigue during the day, even after a full night’s sleep. Sleep apnea can affect anyone, although it is particularly common in overweight older men.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing is interrupted while sleeping. Untreated sleep apnea causes people to stop breathing periodically at night, often hundreds of times.

If left untreated, sleep apnea symptoms can lead to various health issues, including hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the heart’s muscular tissue), heart failure, diabetes, and heart attacks. Untreated sleep apnea can also cause occupational impairment, work-related accidents, car accidents, and academic underachievement in children and teenagers.

Obstructive and central sleep apnea are the two types of sleep apnea. The more prevalent of the two is obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by repeated episodes of full or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. 

During an apneic episode, the diaphragm and chest muscles work harder to open the airway as the pressure rises. Breathing frequently restarts with a loud gasp or jolt of the body. These episodes can disrupt sleep, limit oxygen delivery to essential organs, and induce cardiac rhythm disturbances.

The airway is not closed with central sleep apnea, but the brain fails to instruct the muscles to breathe due to instability in the respiratory control center. Central apnea is associated with central nervous system function.

Managing Sleep Apnea

Who is Affected by Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects approximately 25% of males and roughly 10% of women. Sleep apnea can affect people of all ages, including babies and children, but it is most common in people over 50 and those who are overweight.

Certain physical characteristics and clinical aspects are typical in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Excessive weight, a large neck, and structural abnormalities that reduce the diameter of the upper airway, such as nasal obstruction, a low-hanging soft palate, enlarged tonsils, or a small jaw with an overbite, are examples of these.

Treatment and Management

The following are some ways to treat and manage sleep apnea effectively; 

  • Conservative therapies: Conservative therapy may be all that is required in mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • People who are overweight can benefit from decreasing weight. Even a 10% weight decrease can lower the number of apneic occurrences for most patients. However, reducing weight with untreated obstructive sleep apnea might be challenging due to increased appetite and metabolic abnormalities caused by obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Individuals with obstructive sleep apnea should avoid alcohol and certain sleeping drugs, which increase the likelihood of the airway collapsing during sleep and extend the apneic periods.
  • Breathing pauses occur exclusively when certain people with mild obstructive sleep apnea sleep on their backs. In such circumstances, a wedge pillow or other equipment that allows patients to sleep on their side may be beneficial.
  • People with sinus difficulties or nasal congestion should use nasal sprays or breathing strips to minimize snoring and increase airflow for more comfortable nocturnal breathing. All patients with sleep problems must avoid sleep deprivation.
  • Mechanical treatment: The most common initial treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is positive airway pressure (PAP). PAP therapy requires patients to wear a mask over their nose and/or mouth. 
  • An air blower pushes air gently through the nose and/or mouth. The air pressure is set just high enough to keep the upper airway tissues from collapsing during sleep. PAP therapy prevents airway closure while in use; however, apnea episodes reoccur if PAP is discontinued or performed incorrectly. Positive airway pressure devices come in various forms and types to meet the individual demands of patients. Among the styles and types are:

The most common PAP device is CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). The machine has only one pressure setting. Bi-Level PAP employs one pressure during inhalation and a lower pressure during exhalation (breathing out). Before health insurance covers the bi-level, you must meet a requirement. 

Managing Sleep Apnea

This usually implies that the CPAP machine must first be tested without success and the outcomes documented before insurance will cover a bi-level. Auto CPAP or Auto Bi-Level PAP employs a pressure range that self-regulates during use in response to pressure requirements identified by the machine.

  • Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) is a type of non-invasive ventilation used in patients with central sleep apnea to keep the airway open and supply a required breath when necessary.
  • Mandibular advancement devices are used to treat patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. It is possible to create dental appliances or oral mandibular advancement devices that help prevent the tongue from restricting the throat and/or extend the lower jaw forward. 
  • These gadgets aid in keeping the airway open during sleeping. If this treatment is right for you, you should consult with a sleep specialist and a dentist (who has experience with dental appliances for this reason).
  • A hypoglossal nerve stimulator is implanted under the skin on the right side of the chest, with electrodes tunneled through the skin to the hypoglossal nerve in the neck and intercostal muscles (between two ribs) in the chest. 
  • Remote control is used to turn on the device before going to bed. The hypoglossal nerve is activated with each breath, the tongue glides forward out of the airway, and the airway is opened.
  • Surgery: People with obstructive sleep apnea and others who snore but do not have sleep apnea may benefit from surgical procedures. Outpatient procedures are one of the various types of surgeries performed. 
  • People who have excessive or deformed tissue impeding airflow through the nose or throat, such as a deviated nasal septum, significantly enlarged tonsils, or a small lower jaw with an overbite that causes the throat to be abnormally narrow, may benefit from surgery. 
  • These operations are often performed after conservative therapies and a CPAP trial have failed to improve sleep apnea. Surgical procedures include:

Living with Sleep Apne

Sleep apnea, if left untreated, can lead to hypertension, stroke, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy (enlargement of the heart muscle tissue), heart failure, diabetes, obesity, and heart attacks.

Because sleep apnea is associated with greater blood pressure, it is possible that it can cause arrhythmias and heart failure. In fact, sleep apnea affects around 50% of persons with heart failure or atrial fibrillation.

This is because sleep apnea can result in: 

  • Repeated episodes of oxygen deprivation (what doctors call hypoxia).
  • Carbon dioxide levels fluctuate.
  • Direct effects on the heart as a result of variations in chest pressure.
  • Increased levels of inflammatory markers

Given the high prevalence of sleep apnea in cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure (it’s virtually a coin flip as to whether the patient has it), specialists advise you to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Some need-to-know tips about sleep apnea

Have you just lately been given a diagnosis of sleep apnea? In the following paragraphs, we will go over various suggestions and therapies that you may find helpful in overcoming your sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea implants

One of the most recent therapies for sleep apnea is the implantation of a pacemaker system, which stimulates muscles to keep airways open so that you can breathe while you sleep. This therapy is considered one of the most cutting-edge treatments now available. People in the United States who have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea are eligible for the new therapy that has been authorized by the FDA.

Studies indicate that it may also be beneficial to patients who have central sleep apnea, despite the fact that the technology is very new (and pricey).

Surgery of the upper airway to treat sleep apnea

If you have tried everything else to cure your sleep apnea but nothing has worked, you may want to consider having surgery to make your airway bigger.

The tonsils, adenoids, or extra tissue at the back of the throat or inside the nose may be removed by the surgeon. Additionally, the jaw may be reconstructed in order to widen the upper airway, or plastic rods may be implanted into the soft palate. It is possible for symptoms to get worse following surgery, in addition to the dangers of complications and infections that are inherent in every surgical procedure.

Some need-to-know tips about sleep apnea

Sleep apnea in children

It is not always simple to identify obstructive sleep apnea in youngsters, despite the fact that the condition may be rather prevalent among this age group. In addition to making a loud snoring sound repeatedly throughout the night, children who have sleep apnea may also: 

  • Stop breathing while they are asleep; snort; or gasp.
  • Experiment with a variety of different sleeping positions.
  • You wet the bed, perspire excessively at night, or have terrifying dreams at night.
  • You should not be sleepy throughout the day.
  • Develop behavioral difficulties or falling grades.

It is imperative that you seek the advice of a doctor who specializes in the treatment of sleep disorders if you have concerns that your kid may be suffering from sleep apnea. If it is not addressed, sleep apnea may have a negative impact on your child’s ability to learn, their mood, their development, and their general health.

What causes obstructive sleep apnea in children and how is it treated?

Tonsils and adenoids that are too big are the root cause of the majority of cases of obstructive sleep apnea in children. The issue is often resolved with a standard procedure known as an adenotonsillectomy, which removes both the tonsils and the adenoids. The physician who is treating your kid may also suggest that your family try utilizing a CPAP machine or another kind of breathing equipment.

Your support, encouragement, and good role modeling may help your kid attain and maintain a healthy weight — and set your entire family on a healthier track — if your child’s obstructive sleep apnea is caused by excess weight. If your child’s weight is the cause of the condition,

Even while being cooped up in one place for an extended period of time might be trying, most individuals are able to keep themselves busy in some way. Instead of providing you with an online course on how to stop snoring at home, we are going to focus today on providing you with some helpful advice on how to treat sleep apnea.

Some need-to-know tips about sleep apnea

Advice for those suffering from sleep apnea

To begin, keep in mind that OSA is a treatable sleep problem that has to be managed. People who have sleep apnea do not get the adequate amount of oxygen while they are sleeping, which may occasionally lead to additional sleeping problems.

Therefore, it is not something that can be handled at home; you will need to see a doctor and undergo therapy. If your issue isn’t severe, you may want to experiment with several home remedies for sleep apnea, such as the following:

Keep a level mind at all times. 

  • Your neck ought to be protruding from the surface of the bed no more than six inches. 
  • Elevating your head when you sleep with the aid of a specific pillow or by sleeping on your side. If you sleep on your back, your tongue and other soft tissues may get in the way of your breathing, so try to avoid doing so. Learn more by reading on.
  • Use oral/nasal appliances. Utilizing a nasal dilator, breathing strips, or a nasal irrigation device is not an uncommon practice. Pick the one that works best for you.

Even while you won’t be completely cured of OSA by following these tips for sleeping with sleep apnea, you will at least be able to lessen the negative effects that the disorder has on your health. Therefore, do not hesitate to put them into action and see the outcomes.

Advice on how to avoid developing sleep apnea

Although certain advice for those who already have sleep apnea may also be helpful for preventing the condition in others, we wish to differentiate between the two approaches. The prevention of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is more difficult than treating the disorder, since it requires more attention to detail and strong willpower. Check out the following piece of prevention tips for OSA:

  • Strive to maintain a healthy weight by: The accumulation of additional weight is often the primary cause of snoring and the most prominent indicator of OSA. The smaller your neck is, the less likely it is that you will get obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Practice yoga: Your ability to breathe more easily and effectively may both benefit from practicing yoga. Find out how exercising may help you sleep better in this section.
  • Keep an eye on your sleep: Keeping an eye on your sleep is an easy advice to follow for sleep apnea. Utilize Goodsomnia Lab so that you may monitor the quality of your sleep as well as your snoring throughout the night.
  • Use a humidifier. A humidifier may be helpful if your sleep apnea is caused by dry air since it will expand your airways, reduce congestion, and promote clearer breathing.
  • Develop a regular pattern for when you go to bed. It’s a great opportunity to start new routines, like getting a full 8 or 9 hours of sleep every night while you’re in quarantine!


Adults should aim to obtain between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, according to recommendations. If you are afflicted with obstructive sleep apnea, achieving that goal may seem to be next to impossible. Even under the best of conditions, achieving such a goal may be challenging. Even though you may not be aware that you are awakening numerous times during the night, you will almost likely experience feelings of exhaustion and a lack of quality sleep when you get up in the morning. Because lack of sleep can have such a detrimental influence on a person’s physical and mental health, finding out how to obtain better sleep while having sleep apnea is an important step in the process of reclaiming one’s life.

Some types of sleep apnea and their causes

A sleep ailment called sleep apnea is characterized by irregular decreases in breathing while a person is sleeping. These interruptions lower the quality of sleep and, if addressed, may have detrimental effects on one’s health.

In Australia, sleep apnea is a widespread illness, yet it often remains undiagnosed because many people who sleep are unaware of their nocturnal symptoms. People may better sleep apnea cure with cpap mach and lessen any negative impact it can have on their health by being knowledgeable about its many forms, symptoms, causes, and treatments. Learn more to tackle sleep apnea with these easy tips.

Sleep Apnea: What Is It?

A class of sleep disorders called sleep-related breathing disorders, or sleep disorders with aberrant breathing patterns, includes sleep apnea.

People who suffer sleep apnea often have breathing decreases or stops while they are asleep. Sleepers could not completely awaken and continue to be unaware that their nocturnal breathing is irregular, despite the fact that these gaps lead a person to wake up regularly and lower the quality of their sleep.

A variety of sleep apnea conditions exist, grouped according to what causes breathing disturbances.

Some types of sleep apnea and their causes

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

When the airway at the back of the throat narrows or closes during sleep, it is known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which may lead to snoring because normal airflow is obstructed. A person often awakens in reaction to the airway blockage, contracts their throat muscles, and takes numerous deep breaths, sometimes accompanied by noises like snorting or coughing.

The most prevalent kind of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. In the US, it is believed to affect 10% to 30% of adults6, yet in many instances it remains untreated.

Central Sleep Apnea

The link between the brain and the muscles that govern breathing is disrupted in central sleep apnea (CSA)7. Breathing may thus become shallower and have brief pauses.

Compared to obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea is less common. Less than 1% 8 of the population is thought to have CSA.

Consequences of Sleep Apnea

The consequences of irregular nocturnal breathing as well as the daytime repercussions of poor sleep quality are both sleep apnea symptoms.

Obstructive sleep apnea symptoms

Obstructive sleep apnea is often characterized by the following symptoms: 

  • Excessive daytime tiredness 
  • Loud snoring that is frequently interspersed with gasping or choking noises
  • Irritability or annoyance 
  • Dry mouth upon awakening 
  • Restless sleep with spells of alertness throughout the night 
  • Increased urge to get out of bed to use the restroom 
  • Morning headaches that may last for many hours after waking up

The individual who has obstructive sleep apnea may not immediately recognize certain signs of the illness. For instance, irregular breathing patterns and snoring may not be noticed by an individual until their sleeping partner does.

Obstructive sleep apnea cannot be diagnosed only based on symptoms since many of them might also be brought on by other medical conditions.

Some types of sleep apnea and their causes

Central sleep apnea symptoms

The signs of central sleep apnea that are most often present include: 

  • Abnormal breathing patterns, such as breathing that slows down, speeds up, and stops when sleeping
  • Excessive daytime drowsiness
  • Nighttime awakenings
  • Morning headaches
  • Nighttime shortness of breath or chest discomfort
  • Focusing difficulties

Similar to obstructive sleep apnea, it is typical for those who have central sleep apnea to not be aware of their erratic breathing while asleep until it is brought to their attention by a bed partner or caretaker.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Both central and obstructive sleep apnea have different causes of breathing disturbances.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes

The muscles at the back of the throat relax during obstructive sleep apnea sufferers’ sleep, making it harder for air to flow through. When the airway is blocked, as happens when snoring occurs, a person cannot breathe deeply enough. Partial or total awakenings are brought on by the absence of oxygen in order to restart airflow. During sleep, these breathing pauses continually occur.

Central sleep apnea causes

Problems in the brain’s ability to connect with the breathing muscles lead to central sleep apnea. The brain stem, a region of the brain, malfunctions in CSA patients in order to identify the body’s carbon dioxide levels during sleep. Repeated periods of breathing that is shallower and slower than it should be result from this.

The dangers of sleep apnea

A person’s likelihood of developing sleep apnea is influenced by a variety of variables, and these factors vary for OSA and CSA.

Some types of sleep apnea and their causes

Obstructive sleep apnea risk factors

Age, sex, body weight, and certain anatomical traits of the head and neck region are the main risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Age: Until a person is in their 60s or 70s, their chance of having obstructive sleep apnea rises with age.
  • Sex: Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in men and those who are born with the gender given to them, particularly in adolescence and early adulthood.
  • Head and neck anatomy: People with certain physical characteristics, such as a bigger tongue and a shorter lower jaw, are more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Body weight: Several researches have shown a link between a greater body mass index (BMI) and a raised likelihood of acquiring obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Numerous additional variables have been linked in studies to an increased risk of OSA, but more study is required to determine how these factors affect the onset of OSA.
  • Smoking cigarettes: According to some study, smokers have a considerably greater chance of developing obstructive sleep apnea than nonsmokers or those who have never smoked.
  • Hormone abnormalities: By producing swelling of tissue13 close to the airway or by raising body mass index, hormonal problems such an underactive thyroid or an excess secretion of growth hormone may enhance the risk of OSA.
  • Sleeping posture: When individuals sleep on their backs, it may have an impact on the position and structure of the tissue that surrounds the airway, which can lead to the development or aggravation of sleep apnea.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea in the family: There are some signs that having a family history of OSA might raise a person’s chance of developing the condition. These signs may be related to anatomical traits in the head and neck that run in families.
  • Nasal congestion: OSA has been associated with an increased chance of nasal breathing difficulty.
  • Consuming alcohol and certain drugs: Alcohol and several narcotic and prescription medicines are linked to an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Specific medical diseases: Some medical illnesses, such as a number of heart and lung conditions, may increase a person’s likelihood of developing OSA.

Central Sleep Apnea Risk Factors

The most frequent cause of central sleep apnea is another medical condition, such as a brain stem infection or injury16, renal or heart failure, a stroke, or an overproduction of growth hormone. Additional variables connected to a higher incidence of central sleep apnea have been discovered by studies.

  • Age: People over 65 are more likely to have breathing problems related to central sleep apnea.
  • Sex: Central sleep apnea affects males and those born with a gender preference more often than women, which may be due to sex hormone imbalances.
  • Use of certain medicines: Chronic opioid use and the use of some prescription pharmaceuticals may have an impact on breathing and have been linked to an increased risk of CSA.
  • Being at a high altitude: Due to the lower oxygen availability17 in high-altitude situations, spending time at a high altitude is linked to CSA.

Unknown causes or underlying medical conditions might sometimes result in central sleep apnea. It is referred to as primary or idiopathic central sleep apnea when this happens.

Tackle sleep apnea with these easy tips

A good night’s sleep cannot be replaced, but if you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it may be challenging to achieve.

People who have sleep apnea have occasional airway collapse at night, which results in their ceasing to breathe and need to use sleep apnea devices. People “will transition into a lighter stage of sleep or entirely wake up,” claims Dr. Mendez, as a consequence. The Australian Sleep Apnea Foundation states that these awakenings might happen five to more than 30 times each hour. Click here for best cpap machine masks for children with sleep apnea.

People with sleep apnea often suffer excessive daytime tiredness because they frequently have inadequate sleep. In addition to being drowsy, individuals may also struggle to concentrate and deal with emotional issues like sadness.

According to Mendez, “sleep disturbance also impacts our hormones, namely by raising ghrelin and lowering leptin, which might increase your hunger.” It also has a bad impact on immunity, leaving you more vulnerable to infections and diseases like colds.

Additionally, sleep apnea might raise the chance of cardiovascular issues as well. According to a research published in February 2019 in the Australian Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, persons who experience daytime drowsiness due to sleep apnea may be more prone to develop heart failure, a chronic illness where the heart cannot properly pump blood.

Tackle sleep apnea with these easy tips

Your respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate all rise when you awaken from sleep, and your body is flushed with adrenaline, which is harmful for your arteries and blood pressure, claims Mendez.

How to Recognize Sleep Apnea Signs and Symptoms

The most well-known sign of sleep apnea may be snoring, but it’s not the only one. Other signs include: gasping or choking while you sleep; breathing pauses at night (often, a partner will notice this); excessive daytime sleepiness; feeling drained upon waking; morning headaches; difficulty concentrating; memory issues; mood problems; and waking up repeatedly during the night to use the restroom.

It’s crucial to discuss the potential of sleep apnea with your doctor if you have any of these signs or have recently been diagnosed atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) and high blood pressure with or without daytime drowsiness, advises Mendez. According to him, women often have insomnia without snoring, and some individuals may become aware of their potential sleep issue thanks to an activity tracker like a Fitbit. 

Even if you don’t believe you present in the “traditional” manner for someone with sleep apnea, be open to the possibilities.

According to Mendez, if your doctor has a suspicion that you have sleep apnea, he or she may then give you an at-home sleep apnea test, obviating the need for you to visit a sleep clinic for an evaluation. The patients can obtain it much more easily. He continues, “Getting this test may be a choice that saves your life.”

How Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Make You Feel More Energetic

The proper therapy might help you overcome daytime drowsiness if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Your doctor may advise you to adopt lifestyle changes, prescribe an oral or dental device (fitted by a licensed dentist), or instruct you to use a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine, which uses a mask to keep your airway open while you sleep. The ideal option for you will depend on your insurance coverage, the degree of your sleep apnea, and the accessibility of local specialists.

Self-treating sleep apnea using over-the-counter or internet dental gadgets is not something you want to undertake. According to Mendez, these products are not only not advised, but they may also be harmful. He claims that some dental products, for instance, may harm your teeth.

The good news is that with the right care, your daily drowsiness should subside and your energy level should increase. According to Mendez, symptoms disappear after a few days to a week or two. One night may make a significant difference in how severely affected patients feel and perform throughout the day, according to the doctor.

Tackle sleep apnea with these easy tips

Beneficial remedies for sleep apnea

You may use these methods to combat the exhaustion you experience the following day in addition to finding out a sleep apnea therapy.

Sleep on your side first.

According to Mendez, those with minor forms of sleep apnea may just need to sleep on their sides, which keeps the airway open. By placing a body pillow against your back or even donning a T-shirt with a tennis ball sewn onto the back, you may aid in preventing yourself from rolling onto your back while you are asleep.

Get in shape.

Weight loss often helps with sleep apnea for the vast majority of patients, according to Mendez, who notes that extra fat may impede the airway. According to study published in March 2014 in the journal Sleep Medicine, decreasing even a little amount of weight was proven to reduce a person’s chance of having their sleep apnea become worse by 80%; in certain situations, weight reduction may even be able to treat moderate sleep apnea. Naturally, not everyone will benefit from weight reduction since skinny and regular weight persons might also develop sleep apnea.

Look for remedies for sleeplessness.

The NSF claims that insomnia, a sleep problem in which you have difficulties becoming (and staying) asleep, is also connected to sleep apnea.

Mendez advises minimizing coffee intake, staying away from devices after dark, and not checking the time. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, get out of bed and engage in a peaceful activity before attempting it again. Additionally, you should be assessed for other health issues such limb movement problems, anxiety, and depression that may interfere with your ability to sleep.

Eat a diet that gives you more energy.

Eating the correct meals is one of the greatest methods to boost your energy levels. Choose wholesome foods like raw fruits and vegetables instead of energizing foods like soda, candy, and other beverages with added sugar. (According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, they may give you a brief rush but will soon result in an energy crash.)

Do not drink.

Even while a glass of wine or a bottle of beer may help you fall asleep, this nightcap may make your sleep apnea worse. Alcohol makes your palate floppy, which increases the likelihood that it may collapse and seal up, claims Mendez. Alcohol also changes the muscular tone in your upper airway. Additionally, you want to attempt to stay away from sedatives like benzodiazepines as they may make your nighttime apnea episodes worse.

Best CPAP Machine Masks for Children with Sleep Apnea

So your kid is battling with sleep apnea? Don’t fret! There are dependable solutions that can eliminate the sleep disorder symptoms and help your child sleep like a baby. CPAP machines specifically built to treat the condition characterized by continuous, abnormal, interrupted breathing when sleeping. 

This frustratingly consistent pauses in breathing can negatively affect the sleep quality of your kids and consequently result in deprivation, behavioral issues and fatigue in your child. According to facts and figures, more than 3% of children in the world are struggling with obstructive sleep apnea. 

Generally, the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is considered the most effective solution in treating sleep apnea in kids. Meanwhile, cpap machines comes with different varieties of masks which includes full-face and nasal masks. 

If you buying a CPAP machine a child, you need to note the type, style and size of the mask in you might have also noticed, children needs masks that can fit their face perfectly. You will not expect the standard masks for adult to size children, so, that puts you on a serious quest to make sure you get the best fit your child for best result

Best CPAP Machine Masks for Children with Sleep Apnea

Although, you can also treat sleep apnea disorder with surgery, most people are scared to enroll their children the procedure. And far beyond fear, your doctor may prescribe CPAP machine straight away and you are left with no options. 

Choosing the right pediatric mask that can work perfectly for your child’s CPAP machine can be a daunting task. But, if you get the right fit, you will successfully increase the effectiveness of your child’s CPAP machine and get the best result from the therapy.  

Do you find it difficult to choose the right CPAP machine mask for your child? Allow me to expose you to the best of the varieties in the market. Out of the pool of competition, I have helped select some top picks that can specially designed for children  between the age of 1 to 5years and can serve the ultimate propose of overcoming sleep apnea almost immediately. 

Best CPAP Machine Masks for kids 

1. Philips Respironics Wisp Pediatric Nasal Mask for CPAP Machine

This mask is one of the best in the present market. It is averagely small and fits into children’s nostrils perfectly. It is not hard to know the reason this mask is one of the most recommended for kids. One special feature that makes it more preferable is that it comes with a fun design that encourages children to always want to use it. 

The manufacturer would have factored in the fact that it children don’t always like using anything scary. So, if you child is a picky or fearful one, this mask will definitely provide the right appeal for constant usage. 

What’s more? This masks is a go to potion if your child finds other masks uncomfortable while sleeping. Does your child wear glasses? That’s a more reason to consider buying this mask. It is small enough to accommodate eye glasses with itself without creating irritations. 

Best CPAP Machine Masks for Children with Sleep Apnea

Special Highlights 

  • This mask is made of high quality Giraffe design that appeals to children especially the younger ones between ages 1 – 5. With this special feature, you can be sure your kid would love to wear it to sleep everyday and night which will definitely aid excellent result and quick recovery.
  • It comes with soft silicon material which gives your child comfort when using it. Naturally, children have the tendency to be scared of CPAP machine. However, with this soft silicon material, your child will be free of the itchy sensation that may come from the tightening of the mask to the face.
  • This CPAP mask is a low profile CPAP accessory and it doesn’t require your child to add any forehead attachment. That means, your child can wear this mask during day while playing, watching TV or performing daily routines. More so, your child will find it easy to wear this mask when it’s bedtime.
  • The Wisp Pediatric Nasal CPAP machine mask comes with a leak correction feature which allows you help your child adjust the mask to reduce or prevent excessive air leakage.  It is easy to wear, adjust and remove anytime and that makes it more useable for children. A good CPAP mask should be easy for children to adjust anytime without the help of their parent.

2. Mirage Micro Nasal CPAP Mask

This CPAP machine mask is suitable for children within age 7 and older.  It is one of the best CPAP mask for children available in the market. Doctors mostly recommend this particular mask for children because of its high adjustability capacity. In other words, it works perfectly for children with different facial shape. 

Indeed, it can be challenging to find the right mask that will fit your child’s face perfectly as you don’t have the opportunity to test it in the market. but, this mask allows you to adjust it to your child custom fit. 

Mirage Micro Nasal CPAP mask is the best for children who finds it difficult to sleep in a moderately noisy environment. It help[s them fall asleep within few minutes. 

Special Highlights 

  • This CPAP mask quietly distribute air to your child’s nostrils. That way your child will not have to struggle with sleep and disturbances when sleeping. 
  • It comes with a stylish dual-wall cushion specifically designed to suit children’s face. This silicon cushion helps reduce pressure on the bridge of your child’s nose, making it easier for the mask to rest well on the face comfortably. Since kids don’t have much tolerance to anything that gives pain even at the mildest level, getting a cushioned mask is the best.  


Your child can overcome sleep apnea easily with CPAP machine. But that cannot be done unless you get the right mask that fits perfectly without leakages. The above masks have been tested and trusted to serve children and produce excellent result with comfort. They are also pretty much affordable and durable with consistent adequate maintenance routines.

Best 10 Pro Maintenance Tips to Keep Your CPAP Machine Clean and Working Perfectly

Your CPAP machine can continue working at a top performance level if you are ready to adhere to rules and regulations of adequate performance. A good night rest should be your top priority. So, you need to take it more serious by practicing regular cleaning routine to keep your CPAP machine functioning properly. 

Basically, CPAP machine is meant to give you a good sleep whether at night or during the day. How pathetic would it if the same cpap machine cannot not give you the best result due to your negligence of maintenance principles? You’d better do all you can to save your machine and your sleep at the same time.

When your CPAP machine lacks adequate and regular cleaning, it may cause an unwanted growth of bacteria, moil exposure, and allergy symptoms which would eventually lead to breakdown of the equipment. To keep your device and all the associated accessories clean and active, here are the best maintenance tips as recommended by CPAP experts.

Best 10 Maintenance Tips for CPAP Machines 

1. Set a specific time

Generally, your goal is just a wish if it is not time bound. In other words, you can only get the best out of your CPAP machine if you commit yourself to a routine cleaning exercise scheduled for a specific time. Research shows that most people are more active to using a device and careless about maintenance and that’s why most devices get damaged before the manufacturer’s projected time. 

When it comes to cleaning, you need to get practical. You can set a reminder to clean your machine perhaps every morning or evening before use. Whether you prefer to do the cleaning in the morning or you prefer later in the day, make sure you do it everyday and thoroughly. Your mask will require a more thorough washing as it collects oils in excess that can reduce its performance and quality. 

2. Follow your schedule strictly

After you have set a specific time, the next line in action is to make it a point to do the cleaning when the set time comes. So, make sure you are consistent with your cleaning schedules and don’t permit any excuse to deter you from missing a date. Clean your mask water chamber and tubing on a regular schedule. If doing all that daily can make be too much for you, try three or two times a week.

Best 10 Pro Maintenance Tips to Keep Your CPAP Machine Clean and Working Perfectly

3. Get the right cleaning kits

If you want to get the best out of your cleaning efforts, you must ensure you get all the cleaning equipment necessary to get the job done perfectly. For excellent result, you will need the following:

  • Warm water
  • Small sink or tub
  • Soft cloth or towel 
  • Dish soap 

4. Don’t use harsh chemicals or self-prescribed solution 

Remember that your CPAP machine is your life-support machine. Hence, you must avoid using any substance that can harm its quality or functionality. Harsh cleaning solutions such as chlorine, bleach, ammonia and other untrusted self-prescribed substances can harm your CPAP machine and degrade its performance level. 

Harmful cleaning substances can cause irritation in your lungs and cause severe health complications. There’s no need to be looking for substandard cleaning solutions when you can simply get the best ones in the market at affordable prices. You may ask your machine supplier to direct you to a credible distributor of disinfecting supplies.

5. Get a CPAP machine cleaner

Not everyone can have the time to do the regular cleaning as at when the reminder instructs. If you also identify with that category of people, getting a CPAP machine cleaner is your best bet. This device helps you do the job while you focus ion other things that benefits your life.  that means you can keep your machine clean, free of germs and functioning at the top level without getting your hands dirty. 

There are several options for this machine cleaner in the market. You can invest on the automated cleaners to help you disinfect your mask, tubing, water chamber and other part of the machine without removing any part. 

Best 10 Pro Maintenance Tips to Keep Your CPAP Machine Clean and Working Perfectly

6. Follow the manufacturer’s instruction

The manufacturer know the machine better, so, it is ideal to follow their recommendations. Although, that is not limited to cleaning. Before your first cleaning efforts, make sure you first read the manual in the packing box to get appropriate guide. Here is a typical advice of CPAP machine manufacturer:

  • Unplug your machine and dissemble all the parts. Dissemble the mask properly into cushion, headgear, and frame. Then, unplug the hose and air tubing. Disconnect the humidifier tub to remove the filter. 
  • Clean the dissembled parts of the machine in a sink or tub using mild soap, clean warm water. And a soft cloth.
  • Rinse the machine parts with warm water.

7. Give time for drying 

Don’t be tempted to couple the parts of the machine before it completely dries. Else, your machine will develop mold. That’s is why is it not ideal to wash CPAP machine a few minutes efore use. A better advice is to clean it in the morning and leave it until you return at night before coupling for use. If you must use it shortly after use, try to expose each part of the machine to a warm environment and use dry towel to remove hidden water.

8. Avoid sun drying    

In the attempt to dry your machine quickly, be careful not to expose any part to direct sunlight to avoid damaging your machine.

9. Couple your machine properly

When your machine gets dry, make sure you carefully fix each part into the right place when reassembling it. Any error at this juncture can cause the device to malfunction. When you are done coupling the parts, turn on the machine to see if there are leaks anywhere.

10. Replace any faulty part immediately 

One big mistake people make is that they allow a faulty part to work for a long time before replacing it with a new one. That act is against the rules and regulations of proper maintenance. Make effort to replace the faulty part instantly to avoid further damages.


It is always ideal to check your CPAP machine to discover if there is any faulty part and make the necessary changes immediately. Proper maintenance is key to prolonging the life span of your device. The above maintenance tips will help keep your machine at its best form giving you the expected result every time of use. 

Other resources:
Disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract surgery
How to prepare for cataract surgery

Disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract surgery

Cataract surgery is not the only way of restoring an eye with a cataract. There are other means like using eye drops, medications, etc. Although cataract surgery remains the perfect way of treating cataracts. You might be wondering if kids can also undergo this surgery. Of course, cataract eye surgery is for both young and adults. 

However, as good this surgery is, do you know it has its shortcomings? Do you know it can lead to things that one didn’t plan? Yes! The essence of this write-up is to explain in detail the limitations or shortcomings of allowing your kids to undergo cataract surgery. I want to say that parents should observe their kids very well to know when there are battling with some things. Someone said it could be too early for kids to pass through this surgery because they might not have the strength of holding pain. I don’t know if you agree with that. 

Hence, before I jump to the details, let us briefly talk about the meaning of cataracts and what cataract surgery is all about. 

Disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract surgery

What is a cataract?

Cataracts occur when there’s a solid or cloudy zone in the eye’s lens. This eye problem regularly begins when the protein in the eye generates clumps that prevent the lens from sending or transporting clear images to the retina. Don’t forget that the work of the retina is to change the light that comes via the lens into signals. Also, the retina leads calls to the optic nerve before the brain receives them. One fearful thing about cataract is that it occurs bit by bit and if one joke with it, it could result in total blindness. 

What is cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is eradicating the affected natural lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This surgery is done or carried out by a professional ophthalmologist. I can boldly tell you that everyone that has gone through this process can say something good about it. It is not as scary as it sounds to the ears. In some parts of the world, people get scared whenever they hear “surgery.” You don’t need any flattering words before you believe that the only way to restore one’s vision perfectly is by undergoing cataract surgery. It is the easiest and the safest method of getting one’s eye back to work. Don’t be deceived. People can tell you that all you need is eyeglasses. I am not saying eyeglasses cannot work. But I know that eyeglasses cannot perfectly correct your lens as undergoing this surgery would do.

Disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract surgery

Disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract surgery

  1. Vision loss: One of the reasons why cataract surgery is a risk for children is that it can eventually lead to vision loss. Vision loss means when there’s a partial or total loss of vision. Research shows that some children have entirely lost their sight due to undergoing cataract surgery. Apart from the fact that a specialist must perform this surgery, the Ophthalmologist may find it hard to remove all the broken natural lenses. And if there’s a part of the natural lens in the eye before fixing the artificial lens, a problem will occur. 
  2. Bleeding: Bleeding is the loss of blood which be internal or external. It usually occurs when the body gets a wound or cut. Remember, there’s no how surgery can be successful without cutting. Therefore, bleeding can occur after the surgery. I have seen a child bleeding after undergoing cataract eye surgery in Sydney. However, I concluded that the Ophthalmologist did not do a perfect job, not until I saw bleeding as part of the risks of undergoing this surgery in all suggestions provided on search engines. So, it doesn’t matter if the Ophthalmologist did a perfect job. Bleeding may occur after the surgery. And once there’s bleeding, another issue apart from cataract may arise. 
  3. Retinal detachment: Retinal detachment occurs when a part of the eye responsible for forming images pulls away from the back of the eye. It can result from a wound, irritation, damage, or operational changes that affect the vision over time. Remember, the retina is the layer of tissue that lines the inside of the eye. So, during cataract surgery, retinal detachment can occur. There are several causes of retinal detachment, but the most common reasons are aging or an eye injury. There are three types of retinal detachment. They are rhegmatogenous, tractional, and exudative. However, each type happens because of a different problem that causes the retina to move from the back of your eye.
  4. Swelling: Swelling happens when the organs and other parts of the body enlarge. Typically, swelling is the result of a buildup of fluid. This implies that swelling can occur after cataract eye surgery. Therefore, swelling is one of the disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract eye surgery.
  5. Glaucoma: Glaucoma can occur in kids after this surgery. What is glaucoma? Glaucoma refers to the result of a fault in the optic nerve. When the optic nerve deteriorates, there will be a blind spot in one’s visual field. So, when there’s a fault in the optic nerve, the eye pressure increases. Can you see that this will be too much for a kid to handle? 
Disadvantages of allowing kids to undergo cataract surgery

Closing thought

Dear reader, I hope you’ve seen something you can boldly share with friends and families. Allowing your kids to go through this process can bring up another issue. So, I would advise you to take note of the symptoms of cataracts in your kids by observing them, and you need to act fast. One thing about cataracts is that they can be controlled easily at a tender stage. What am I saying in essence? If the cataract in your child’s eye is detected early, other means of treating it could work. Other means like using an eye drop will be perfect for kids. 

Finally, do you have a question regarding this topic? Or do you want to make some contributions? Please kindly drop your question or contribution in the comment box. They will all be treated. 

More articles to read:

How to prepare for cataract surgery
Tips on finding the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery

How to prepare for cataract surgery

This write-up is strictly meant for people that want to know something important about cataract surgery. Preparation goes a long way if one wants to regain one’s vision completely. Some people are having difficulty with their sight today after cataract surgery because they fail in the area of preparation. This article will take beyond what you can hear about preparing for cataract surgery from your eye doctor.

Honestly, preparation is not what you need to joke with. Have you been diagnosed with a cataract? And your doctor has boldly informed you that the only remedy or way to regain your sight is by undergoing cataract surgery? Then, you need to pay attention to this write-up. What are those things you need to do before the surgery? What are those things you need to prepare? 

There’s no cause for alarm. I took it up as my responsibility to carefully reveal things you need to observe, avoid and do before going for cataract surgery. But before we proceed, it would be nice to have a piece of background knowledge about the meaning of cataracts and what cataract surgery is all about. Perhaps, you might not know the meaning of cataract.

How to prepare for cataract surgery

What is a cataract?

Cataracts occur when there’s a solid or cloudy zone in the eye’s lens. This eye problem regularly begins when the protein in the eye generates clumps that prevent the lens from sending or transporting clear images to the retina. Don’t forget that the work of the retina is to change the light that comes via the lens into signals. Also, the retina leads signals to the optic nerve before the brain receives them. One fearful thing about cataract is that it occurs bit by bit and if one joke with it, it could result in total blindness.

What is cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is eradicating the affected natural lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This surgery is done or carried out by a professional ophthalmologist. I can boldly tell you that everyone that has gone through this process can say something good about it. It is not as scary as it sounds to the ears. In some parts of the world, people get scared whenever they hear “surgery.” You don’t need any flattering words before you believe that the only way to restore one’s vision perfectly is by undergoing cataract surgery. It is the easiest and the safest method of getting one’s eye back to work. Don’t be deceived. People can tell you that all you need is eyeglasses. I am not saying eyeglasses cannot work. But I know that eyeglasses cannot perfectly correct your lens as undergoing this surgery would do. 

How to prepare for cataract surgery

What you need to do before/know going for cataract surgery?

Test: It is expedient to know that test is part of your preparation before entering the theatre room. Your eye doctor will carry out a series of tests on you before the surgery. The essence of doing this surgery is to know the condition of your eyes before the surgery. In fact, don’t see it as if it is too much when your eye doctor calls you to come for a test upon test before the surgery. 

It is part of the process. If you want to undergo cataract surgery and your doctor has not been calling you for tests even two weeks before the surgery, you should consider another option. I mean, maybe you should look for another eye surgeon.

Information on the dos and don’ts: Part of the preparation process is for you to know the dos and don’ts before and after the surgery. For instance, you’ll be instructed not to lift heavy things to avoid placing your eyes in bright light after the cataract surgery. Also, your eye doctor would ask you to do some things even before the day of the surgery. So, it is part of the preparation process to know what you need to do to enhance effective surgery and what you need to avoid after the surgery to help the healing process

Don’t eat and drink on the day of the surgery: Don’t be scared. This will only last for twelve hours before the time of the surgery. Your surgeon will inform you that you need to stay away from food twelve hours before the surgery.

How to prepare for cataract surgery

Wear comfortable clothes and avoid cosmetics: Make sure you put on comfortable cloth on the day of surgery. Also, it is expedient for you to avoid using makeup or rubbing your face with cream on the day of the surgery. Makeup is common among women, and it can affect the surgery process. Your surgeon might find it hard to hold the skin in the face if your face is oily or has been attached with makeup. Therefore, it is essential to wear comfortable cloth to the theater room and avoid using cosmetics.

Use eye drops: Before your cataract surgery, the doctor might prescribe one or two eye drops. Make sure you use those eye drops as prescribed. Some of those eye drops works to soften the damaged natural lens. And when the natural lens that will be eradicated during cataract surgery is soft, breaking and removing it becomes easier. Therefore, ensure that you use your eye drops as prescribed to you by the doctor. Of course, some of them might instruct you to continue using the eye drops even after the surgery. 

Note any eye changes in your eye health: Before the surgery, it is expedient for you to take note of all the changes that occur in your eye health. Please take note of them and talk to your eye doctor about it. Learn more about the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery.

Closing thought

I hope you’ve seen something instructive, educative, and informative. This article consists of the meaning of cataracts and what cataract surgery is all about. Then, I wrap it up with things you need to prepare before going for cataract surgery. Finally, dear reader, please feel free to ask questions. You can drop your question in the comment box if you have any.  

Tips on finding the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery

Finding the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery sydney is a severe challenge people face these days. Nowadays, everyone is advertising their services online, yet people are falling into the wrong hands. Imagine getting an eye doctor online, yet complication arises after the surgery. Please don’t misquote me. I am not saying there’s no competent ophthalmologist online. I am only trying to tell you that one has to make an extra effort even before picking an eye doctor online for cataract surgery sydney.

You will agree that almost everyone is placing a tight advert of their services online these days. It is somehow hard to detect the best surgeon that will perfectly carry out a cataract surgery sydney without any complications. It got me thinking about how the eye clinics of the incompetent ones will be on top of the list on search engines. Then, I found out that they only put in some skills to develop or rank their web page. So this implies that choosing the first on the list while searching for the best eye clinic for cataract surgery sydney may not mean that one has selected the best. 

So, how do I know the best ophthalmologist for my cataract surgery sydney? I know this question will be crossing your mind right now. There’s nothing to worry about. This write-up is here to do justice to that question. Therefore, I implore you to pay attention and shun all distractions. It doesn’t matter where you’re choosing your eye doctor. Either online or there’s a clinic around you. I am right here to give you some tips. 

For better understanding, let us briefly look into the meaning of cataract and what cataract surgery sydney entails. With this, you would see the need to allow a competent surgeon to handle your eye.  

What is a cataract? 

If you have seen some symptoms like the glare of light, trouble seeing at night, astigmatism, inability to read, etc., you need to consult your doctor for a proper checkup. You might be suffering from a cataract. Cataracts occur when there’s a solid or cloudy zone in the eye’s lens. This eye problem regularly begins when the protein in the eye generates clumps that prevent the lens from sending or transporting clear images to the retina. Don’t forget that the work of the retina is to change the light that comes via the lens into signals. Also, the retina leads signals to the optic nerve before the brain receives them. One fearful thing about cataract is that it occurs bit by bit and if one joke with it, it could result in total blindness.

Tips on finding the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery

What is cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is eradicating the affected natural lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This surgery is done or carried out by a professional ophthalmologist. I can boldly tell you that everyone that has gone through this process can say something good about it. It is not as scary as it sounds to the ears. In some parts of the world, people get scared whenever they hear “surgery.” You don’t need any flattering words before you believe that the only way to restore one’s vision perfectly is by undergoing cataract surgery. It is the easiest and the safest method of getting one’s eye back to work. Don’t be deceived. People can tell you that all you need is eyeglasses. I am not saying eyeglasses cannot work. But I know that eyeglasses cannot perfectly correct your lens as undergoing this surgery would do. 

Things to look out for before allowing a surgeon to handle your eye

By explaining what cataract surgery is all about, you could see that it requires competency in handling it. If you allow an incompetent surgeon to run your eye, complications that will worsen the matter may occur. Hence, either you are about to go online to get an ophthalmologist, or you want to try the eye clinic around you, here are the things you need to look out for;

Tips on finding the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery
  1. Experience: You need to know if the surgeon has done cataract surgery before. You can know the surgeon’s mind if you ask him some questions. Questions like “how many cataract surgeries have you done? What is your surgical success rate? Are there any chances of complications after the surgery? And ask him how long has he been doing cataract surgery?” Then, you need to pay attention to the surgeon’s gesture as you’re asking those questions. So, even if you pick the contact of a surgeon online, try to ask him the above-listed question to know if you are striking a deal with an experienced cataract surgeon.
  1. Specialty: Not all eye surgeons can do cataract surgery. Knowing if an eye doctor is an exceptional candidate is to ask him to tell you the latest techniques and methods of eradicating cataracts. Once he’s able to tell you something profound about it, you will know he can do the job successfully. 
Tips on finding the right ophthalmologist for your cataract surgery
  1. Check out for positive reviews: This is a special message for those willing to choose their surgeon online. The moment you log into their website, make sure you check out for positive reviews on their website. You need to know what people have said about them. On the other hand, for people who want to use the eye clinic around them, you can ask people questions about that eye clinic. The fact you will get from them will go a long way. You will know if you’re striking a deal with a well-trained ophthalmologist. 
  1. Credentials: Ensure that your ophthalmologist is certified. It is good to allow a well-trained surgeon to handle your eye. Don’t join the league of people that don’t want to know if their surgeon is certified. 

On a final note

Dear reader, I hope you are pleased with what you read here. This article is informative, instructive, and educative. This write-up contains the meaning of cataracts, what cataract surgery is all about, and things to look out for before allowing a surgeon to touch your eye. Finally, you are free to drop a question regarding this topic in the comment box.